Weighwell launch new website
As part of our marketing strategy and to strengthen our corporate branding, we have undergone the process of updating our website. Crucially the website now reflects our distinct product and service areas from our train weighing systems to our ptwX software detailing their key benefits and technical specifications. Also from a creative and technical perspective we now are able to promote our work through a prominent banner area, simple menu structure and bespoke page templates. The website now also highlights the markets in which we operate and the customers we work with.
Features such as the easy to use drop down navigation bar, professional high quality imagery and responsive web design for mobile and tablet devices help provide a unique, accurate and informative feel to the site. We also highlight the global and innovative nature of the work we do through our visually appealing videos, marketing brochures and company history.
Additional features such as the integrated social media feeds and latest news will likewise help our existing and potential customers keep up-to-date with our current and future developments.