PTW Indicator
Overview of the PTW indicator
Our portable train weighing systems (PTW’s) are supported through our in-house designed PTW indicator. The large touch screen operated indicator has been specifically designed for the rail industry and train weighing applications.
The main display shows three screens. The first screen allows provides a reference / identification on the train being weighed for example “ABC123”. Depending on how many PTW’s are used there is also an option to select the “number of axles” on each car. The printout/csv file is configurable to the rail vehicle layout.
The second screen shows weighing information on the individual wheels, axles and total. Bogie weights are identified on the printout/csv file. Depending on how many PTW’s are used the screen will display weighing information on each axle, bogie or the full vehicle. Once the weighing “ends” the data is automatically printed. This screen also allows the user to alter the time and data dependent on their location throughout the world.
The third screen allows the user to either reprint the last weighing or export to a USB stick. The weighing information can be reprinted many times. In regards to the export function, the weighing data is formatted into a csv file which can store up to the last 50 rail vehicle weighings.
Key features and benefits
The PTW indicator is a cost effective alternative that provides the ability to weigh up to 4 axles (8 wheels) of the rail car instantaneously. Panel mounted and used within a robust carrying case the indicator is operated via an alphanumerical QUERTY keyboard and large LCD touch screen. The instrumentation is also traceable to OIML and CE approvals. The weighing data is easily exported via a detailed printout or exported via a USB stick to a pre-configured .csv file. In addition we can also transmit the weighing data to an onsite computing device with compatibility to our ptwX software.
The PTW indicator has been designed for the international market with a quick selection of options and an easy to use multi-language display. Also designed for the US market the indicator can weigh in different weighing units such as kilogrammes (kg) or pounds (lb).